Athena Outing…
By AthenaFC 09/10
02:54 PM

This coming Halloween…

The Athena Faculty Committee presents…

Something big, something dark and something sizzling hot.

The much awaited and critically acclaimed faculty event of the year:

Ju-On, otherwise known in the hanyupinyin form as zhu3on1, is a Halloween-themed faculty event where all Athenians are invited to a splendid steamboat buffet and a magnificent feast. The night will be filled with fun, laughter and excitement as a whole series of thrilling games and performances have been lined up just for you.

Your CT reps will be collecting the attendance from you as a class very soon! (:

See you there on 31st October, 6:30 pm in the Central Plaza.

Ju-On, coming to a central plaza near you.

02:16 PM

On the 20th of October 2009, the faculty of Athena gathered to watch representatives from their classes eat donuts;

Large sugary donuts;

Large sugary donuts hanging off the end of a bright green raffia string in the hands of their fellow classmates on the bridge.

Chowed down using only their mouth.

In the fastest speed possible. In misery. In frustration. And for some, in glee.

Presenting… our Donut King. 😀


Now just when we were expecting to sink our teeth into and fill our empty grumbling stomachs with a nice, sugary-sweet, fresh, crisp donut, we encountered one small tiny twist.

No sugar, no creamy fillings, no oreo, no chocolate, no hazelnut, no tiramisu, no sliced almonds, no flavours.

Yup, that’s right, our donuts came… topless. Plain. Just a tad bit boring.

Or… maybe not so boring.

Armed with Peanut butter, Chocolate spread, Milo and Honey Stars cereal, Blueberry jam, Kaya, Rainbow rice, Maple syrup, White chocolate chips, and Oreo, we Athenians got creative.

Scooping… spreading… smearing…

Dunking… dipping… sprinking… CREATING


Together as one faculty, ATHENA.
