By AthenaFC 09/10
04:34 PM

It all started as a very sunny day, where the ghost of JU-ON was

mysteriously floating right in the middle of central plaza.


so Ju-On moved into the inner plaza and monster of all sorts and sizes started to appear in the inner plaza.

Like they say, good things come in pairs. Even ghouls.

Yin… and Yang??

With the thunderstorms as our background sound effects, our EMCEEs, Yu Chen Xing from 09S64 and Teh Zitao from 09S62, challenged the unpredictable.



The MAD J1 BBOYS were on their head, legs and hands. They were flipping, spinning and taking the crowd by storm.

They had the formations.

and were totally rocking the beat and getting the audience on their feet. LITERALLY.

The food came in batches, spread out in a very nice buffet-styled layout.

People were helping themselves to the food.

They obviously had a fun time with the food, because they turned it from…


Then, we had our movie screening. Ju-On – The Grudge

where screams filled the entire inner plaza for no reason, like when the…

in the bottom right hand corner of the picture 😛

RAIN or SHINEE, we are your Athena Faculty Committee and we sincerely hope you have enjoyed the event.

while the weather wasn’t exactly nice to us on that day,
we do hope that the event was still as awesome
and YOU had a whole load of fun and scare for a halloween night.

We would definitely like to thank some people, without whom this event would not have been possible.

Mr Ronnie Quek,

Ms Genevieve Tan and Ms Joyce Tan for their advice, care and concern throughout the period of our planning.

YOU for coming down and supporting our event.

Please do share with us your feedback about the event, whether positive or negative, so that we can bring you bigger BOOMZ next year.

With love,
Athena Faculty Committee 09/10
