FOS (Festival of Sports) 2009
By AthenaFC 09/10
01:49 PM

It was an unforgettable afternoon of fun as the four faculties came together for the annually Festival of Sports. On this day, 27th of October, Hwa Chong’s campus was flooded by an ocean of colours, namely GREEN, red, yellow and blue. Just like any sporting event, there had to be winners and losers at the end of the day. Yet, what really mattered to us was the fighting spirit of the athletes 😀 . Though some of them were at a disadvantage, NONE of them gave up. For that, everyone is a winner 🙂

okay, let’s talk no more……. pictures speak a thousand words 🙂

Guess what sport our fac prince was playing? It was by no way a coincidence that girls swarmed the volleyball courts.



Look at the intensity of their eyes

Time for a team cheer? Looks like our fac prince refuses to join in the team cheer. Like the famous phrase always goes…every team needs a hero and every hero needs a team. Looks like Mr fac prince should reconsider doing the cheer with the rest of the team!

Friendship – one of the olympic values

Strong. nuff said

Showing some ball control skills

Looks like nothing can stop a raging lion… I mean owl 🙂

Never give up the chase!


Sportsmanship. Though we wear different colours on the field, at the end of the day….we are still ONE HWACHONG

Jiayou everyone!

No way through the man wall

come and get the ball….. if you can 🙂

And the fac comm was there to cheer everyone on! UP AND ON ATHENA!

To all Athenians who participated in this year’s FOS, we’d like to say a big thank you for all the effort and time you’ve put in! You guys did well and brought glory to our fac! Thanks a lot for that!

And to all supporters who came down, thanks a lot for helping to cheer your friends on! Seriously it’s a whole lot better to be playing with the support of your friends! Thank you very much for your time!

Last, but most importantly, we (fac comm) really really really hope that everyone had fun! It was a wonderful afternoon, indeed.

Your Sports I/Cs

People wanted!
By AthenaFC 09/10
02:01 PM

By the way, we still need people for Girls Basketball. So, all girls out there, if you would like to play for your faculty on 27 Oct, pls do inform your CT reps so that they can tell us!!!

thanks you

Once again,
Your Sports I/Cs

By AthenaFC 09/10
01:44 PM


Representing ATHENA……

Volleyball (guys)

Kenneth Gwee 09S66
Jing Jie 09S60
Russell Leong 09S7J
Hugo So 09S64
Augustine 09S66
Zhe Hou 09S6A
Ivan Ng 09S60
Wei Sheng 09S60
Josh 09S60
Jereld Tan 09S64
Kevin Ishak Tanzil 09S64
Timothy 09S64

Volleyball (girls)

Kelly Chin 09S6C
Ebony 09S6C
Charmaine Wong 09S6C
Cheryl Chew 09S6C
Hsiu Chin 09S60
Yi Yan 09S7K
Wai Foon 09S66
Nicole Chew 09S7J
Shi Tong 09S68
Raashidah 09S7N
Quinza 09S7N
Annabelle 09S68

Basketball (girls)

Eva Seah 09S60
Sara Choong 09S68
Qian Qian 09S62
Valerie Tan 09S62
Aw Jia Yu 09S6E
Goh Bee Hiang 09S68
Elizabeth 09S6C

Basketball (guys)

Jun Xian 09S66
Ling Jie 09S64
Kuan He 09S64
Jing Wei 09S64
Bai Zhao 09S6A
Yuan Xi 09S6A
Zhang Sai 09S6A
Kenn Yap 09S60
Wei Long 09S62
Yen Chuan 09S62

Netball (girls)

Hui Kin 09S7N
Joleen Lee 09S7J
Ying Yan 09S7J
Claudia 09S7J
Shi Yu 09S60
Li Qin 09S60
Sarah Lim 09S7N
Claire 09S66
Chua Hui Ying 09S7K

Soccer (guys)

An Dai 09S6C
Xue An 09S64
Chen Xing 09S64
Li Wen 09S62
Ben Oh 09S68
Alan Lin 09S68
Jian Ler 09S62
Glenn Goh 09S7K
Heng Yang 09S6E
Zhe Ren 09S7N
Christopher 09S60
Alvin 09S60

We strongly encourage you to go down and support these brave souls on 27 Oct (tue) from 4pm – 7pm, for they will be giving their all to bring the glory back to Athena.

– outdoor volleyball courts
– outdoor basketball courts
– outdoor netball court
– high school field

Yours truly,
Sports I/Cs
on behalf of Athena Fac Comm

By AthenaFC 09/10
04:56 PM

7 more days to the long awaited faculty event of the year…


Heres something for you guys to enjoy.

Just before the banner was hung up, late one night on 20th October.

Athena Outing…
By AthenaFC 09/10
02:54 PM

This coming Halloween…

The Athena Faculty Committee presents…

Something big, something dark and something sizzling hot.

The much awaited and critically acclaimed faculty event of the year:

Ju-On, otherwise known in the hanyupinyin form as zhu3on1, is a Halloween-themed faculty event where all Athenians are invited to a splendid steamboat buffet and a magnificent feast. The night will be filled with fun, laughter and excitement as a whole series of thrilling games and performances have been lined up just for you.

Your CT reps will be collecting the attendance from you as a class very soon! (:

See you there on 31st October, 6:30 pm in the Central Plaza.

Ju-On, coming to a central plaza near you.

02:16 PM

On the 20th of October 2009, the faculty of Athena gathered to watch representatives from their classes eat donuts;

Large sugary donuts;

Large sugary donuts hanging off the end of a bright green raffia string in the hands of their fellow classmates on the bridge.

Chowed down using only their mouth.

In the fastest speed possible. In misery. In frustration. And for some, in glee.

Presenting… our Donut King. 😀


Now just when we were expecting to sink our teeth into and fill our empty grumbling stomachs with a nice, sugary-sweet, fresh, crisp donut, we encountered one small tiny twist.

No sugar, no creamy fillings, no oreo, no chocolate, no hazelnut, no tiramisu, no sliced almonds, no flavours.

Yup, that’s right, our donuts came… topless. Plain. Just a tad bit boring.

Or… maybe not so boring.

Armed with Peanut butter, Chocolate spread, Milo and Honey Stars cereal, Blueberry jam, Kaya, Rainbow rice, Maple syrup, White chocolate chips, and Oreo, we Athenians got creative.

Scooping… spreading… smearing…

Dunking… dipping… sprinking… CREATING


Together as one faculty, ATHENA.

Athena oiii!
By AthenaFC 09/10
04:38 PM

Athena oiii!

hey you yes you!

promos are over and hope that the j1s are playing your hearts out while working on the occasional WR and I&R!

our dear seniors are still going strong for their A’s! jiayou the light at the end of the tunnel is going to be here soon!

meanwhile, here are some updates ya!

Faculty Shirts~
our fac shirt design (FINAL):



the new batch of fac shirts will be coming in REAL SOON! 😀

Upcoming Events to look forward to~

-Faculty Breakfast next Tuesday
-Graduation Day for C2s
-Faculty Publication: The Athenian
-Faculty Outing!
-Release of Faculty Shirts in the welfare room
-Festival of SPORTS!!!

And there’s so much more coming your way.

With love,
Athena Faculty Committee 09/10~
