Athena Outing…
By AthenaFC 09/10
02:54 PM

This coming Halloween…

The Athena Faculty Committee presents…

Something big, something dark and something sizzling hot.

The much awaited and critically acclaimed faculty event of the year:

Ju-On, otherwise known in the hanyupinyin form as zhu3on1, is a Halloween-themed faculty event where all Athenians are invited to a splendid steamboat buffet and a magnificent feast. The night will be filled with fun, laughter and excitement as a whole series of thrilling games and performances have been lined up just for you.

Your CT reps will be collecting the attendance from you as a class very soon! (:

See you there on 31st October, 6:30 pm in the Central Plaza.

Ju-On, coming to a central plaza near you.
