10:10 PM

Hi Athenians!!


Find yourself experiencing withdrawal symptoms a month after Orientation, POP and Dramafeste? Never fear! Faculty CIP is here, and it’s right around the corner!


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Many of you have signed up for Fac CIP and are probably wondering what it’s all about. Presenting “Silver Homes”, Athena Faculty CIP 2016, which invites you to help our beneficiaries paint or clean up their homes! Most of you probably haven’t done something like this before, and it’ll be a great chance to challenge yourself, step out of your comfort zone. However, what is most important is that we are able to help people in need. Ahoot!!


We assure that this will be an enjoyable new experience for you! It’ll also be a wonderful opportunity to bond with your classmates, whom you’ve gotten to know over the last couple of months.


This year’s Fac CIP is gonna be held on 3 consecutive Saturdays: 9th, 16th and 23rd April. The location changes every week, so do take note of the details below!


9th April : Jalan Bukit Merah and Henderson Home

16th April: Lengkok Bahru

23rd April: Redhill


(Directions will be posted nearer to the day of the CIP)



Now, on a more serious note, here’s some important information that you need to know:


1. Consent forms!!! These are important! Remember to pass your consent forms to your CT Rep/senior CT Rep before the start of the event, else you may not be allowed to participate! The forms are required for administrative purposes.


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Get your consent forms signed


2. Attire!! Remember to wear the faculty CIP shirt that will be passed to you this coming week. As for bottoms, please wear pants that cover your knees! This means no shorts, no FBTs, no miniskirts, no swimming trunks… you get the picture. If you aren’t properly attired, the teachers may bar you from participating so please do take note!!



Pants must cover knees!


3. Safety!! While you’re in public, remember to exercise good judgment and common sense 😀 This means watching out for where you step (especially when barefoot in the residential units), not playing with your equipment and not climbing on chairs to paint. If any accidents happen, inform your CT Rep/senior CT Rep so that we can attend to you immediately! Remember, safety first!!



Take care of yourself!


4. Most importantly, responsibility. We have allocated your classes to the units based on the attendance that you have indicated. As such, please turn up on the days which you have indicated that you’ll be coming on, because if not your other classmates may be overworked. Furthermore, if you are allocated to painting, please remember not to paint the door hinges, and remember to place newspapers/plastic sheets over the floor and furniture!



Be responsible to yourself and your friends!


5. Lastly, for all junior classes, we have a task for you! Other than painting or cleaning up houses, we would appreciate it if you are able to interact with the people who we are helping, who are mostly elderly. We require every junior class to chat with the elderly and submit their stories!! One to two stories per junior class would do. Please do submit the story to your senior CT rep by 30th April! Doing so would allow you to learn more about Singapore’s past and better appreciate how fortunate we are today. Please do chat with the elderly, doesn’t matter if you are C1 or C2, doesn’t matter if you are writing the story or if someone else is doing it, chatting with the elderly will definitely benefit you.



Remember to chat with the elderly!





Consent forms, Attire, Safety, Responsibility, Task!!


Thank you to everyone who signed up, and those who have not, please do so as soon as possible else you may not be allocated to a role. Once again, AHOOT!



Athena Faccomm 15/16
