11:00 AM

Hi Athenians! 😀

We have collated the results of the FacItem Survey and we are pleased to announce our facitem will be…… A HOODIEEEE!!! 😀 😀 😀

Thank you for contributing feedback for our largely anticipated and wanted facitem! Now, we are calling for all budding artists and passionate Athenians to send in designs (both front and back) for the hoodie!

If you have any designs (you are welcome to send in more than one design 😉 ), please submit to athenafaculty@gmail.com by Friday, 04 November 2011! 🙂 If you have any queries, feel free to contact either Chew Lixian of 11S6A @ 91145258 or Cheryl Ang of 11S6J @ 90228686!

Thank you and look forward to the BEST facitem! \^O^/

Yours Sincerely,

