By AthenaFC 11/12
01:38 PM

Hello Athenians!

Relief your sense of nostalgia and re-live the good old days with RETROSPECTIVE! Suit up, old school retro style and brace yourself for a night of fun with activities and performances, all in retro theme πŸ˜‰

Don’t forget to look out for the live performance of a certain high school teacher, HE who brings back our old college songs.

What’s more, empty your stomachs for a steamboat buffet! Grab a group of 10 to 13 friends and place orders with any Fac Comm members to reserve a table just for yourselves, or you could make new friends by inviting others to join your table if there are spare seats.

(Note: Seats are only allocated in tables of 10 to 13 people, we will try our best to group you and your friends together)

Tickets are priced at $8 for Athenians and $11 for non-Athenians. We will be confirming ticket orders by Tuesday 1st November, so do inform us before then!

Get into mood, reminisce the past here:

There will be pictures of retro clothes and suggestions of where to get them uploaded on fac blog tomorrow so do keep a lookout for it and get your retro outfits before the event!

We Rendezvous on 5th November at the Central Plaza, until then, peace out oldies.

AthenaFC 11/12

03:53 PM

Hello Athenians !

Have you always wanted to be part of a drama production yet didn’t have the opportunity to do so? Have you always wanted to see your amazing piece of work come to life?

We are searching for potential :

1.Producers ,

2.Scriptwriters or,

3. Producers with amazing script writing abilities

for next year’s Dramafeste! We need dedicated and truly passionate people to be part of our Dramafeste team next year πŸ™‚ So if you think you fit the bill, please contact me, the Dramafeste I/C, Priscilla Chia from 11S6C, or any of the AthenaFC members by 11th Nov. Thank you πŸ™‚



AthenaFC 11/12

New Fac Shirts!
By AthenaFC 11/12
12:25 AM

Hey Athenians, please click this link (to the Athena Facebook page)!/athenafaculty?sk=wall

And vote for your favourite fac shirt design by liking it! We’ll need at least 130 votes in total by Sunday (30th October), 12 noon before we decide the design, or the fac comm will choose. Sorry for the rush as we’re working quite a tight schedule :O

Do note that the designs may be subjected to last minute minor changes before we sent to printing on 1st November!

(You can click on the pictures here, it links to the facebook page so you can like them :D)


Hi Athenians! πŸ˜€

We have collated the results of the FacItem Survey and we are pleased to announce our facitem will be…… A HOODIEEEE!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

Thank you for contributing feedback for our largely anticipated and wanted facitem! Now, we are calling for all budding artists and passionate Athenians to send in designs (both front and back) for the hoodie!

If you have any designs (you are welcome to send in more than one design πŸ˜‰ ), please submit to by Friday, 04 November 2011! πŸ™‚ If you have any queries, feel free to contact either Chew Lixian of 11S6A @ 91145258 or Cheryl Ang of 11S6J @ 90228686!

Thank you and look forward to the BEST facitem! \^O^/

Yours Sincerely,


Coming real soon
By AthenaFC 11/12
08:07 AM

Hello Athenians!


Getting bored doing pw whole day long? Wondering what’s up ahead for Athena and what Athena faculty committee has to present to take your mind off submission deadlines? Look out for the upcoming Athena Faculty outing that is bound to blow your mind!




Meanwhile, enjoy a short video that brings you reminiscence of the past:

Post Faculty Breakfast Survey!
By AthenaFC 11/12
11:51 PM

Hey Athena!

Hope you all enjoyed Fac Breakfast!

We would greatly appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to complete the following survey and give us some feedback, so that we can improve on future events.

Thank you so much!



AthenaFC 11/12

The Green Revolution!
By AthenaFC 11/12
01:40 PM

Hey Athena!

We hope you had fun at Fac Breakfast yesterday! The tosai was an unexpected and yummy breakfast, no? Well anyway, in the midst of the omnom-ing and playing with inflated balls, we are glad to say that we did BE NICE FOR A CHANGE. The inter-class pot luck looked really great, so don’t let this REVOLUTION stop with eating; remember to thank the classes that gave you stuff too! And here’s a big thank you to everyone who helped with setting up and clearing up. We couldn’t have done it without all of you! To sum it up, hope you had a great time at Fac Breakfast, and look forward to more events put together by your fac comm 11/12! (:

Here are some photos to commemorate our breakfast!

By AthenaFC 11/12
11:32 PM

By AthenaFC 11/12
11:20 PM


Two days have passed since FOS started and during these two days of games, we have seen Athenians play their best in their respective sports and WE ARE PROUD OF YOU GUYS!!!!!

Everyone has done well these past 2 days and we would like to thank everyone for their active participation, in both playing of sports and cheering for Athenians and everyone’s unwavering spirit during the games! Everyone displayed the Athenian spirit and most importantly, everyone had fun during the games!

For these two days, we have clinched a total of 5 champion titles and 6 first runner up titles and we have gotten ourselves quite a good score of over 40 points!!

These are some photos of what happened during the past 2 days:

(credits to Nathanael Tan 11S6G)

Once again, we would like to thank you guys for your hard work and effort put through these two days! For those who are injured during these two days of games, please rest well and take care of yourself! Most importantly, you guys had fun these two days πŸ™‚

May the Athenian Spirit Live on!

A-hoot, A-hoot, A-hoot!

(FOS results will be released on Friday)

Good job Athena!
By AthenaFC 11/12
10:06 PM


We’re very sure you guys are anxious about what happened today. All we can say is we are very proud of you! For today, you guys scored a total of 38 POINTS, bringing home 5 champion titles and 3 first runner-up titles.

These are really commendable results, and you guys did great! More importantly, we saw how much fun everyone was having and that’s what truly mattered.

Thank you so much for your hard work today, we really appreciate it. But the fight isn’t over yet – we still have a few games coming up tomorrow! So please lend your support to our Basketball (Guys and Girls) Semi-Finalists, Flippa Ball (Girls) and Table Tennis players during their matches same time, same place tomorrow! (:

May the Athenian spirit live on! Let’s hope we can return as double-champs of FOS, and bring glory to Athena!

A-hoot, a-hoot, a-hoot!!


your Sports I/Cs
