Fac Hoodie Is Finally Here!!!
By AthenaFC 11/12
04:46 PM

Hey Athenians!

The long-awaited faculty hoodie has arrived!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜€ For those who are undecided, here’s a few photos of the hoodie with our fac princess’11!:

front view of hoodie!

back view of hoodie!


JUNIORS, we know you guys are very interested in the fac hoodie! We will be selling them tomorrow at A409 from 4pm. For those with budget constraints, fret not! The fac hoodie is priced at an affordable price of $15 (:O:O:O:O:O!!!).

If you have any questions about the hoodie, do feel free to contact Cheryl (90228686) and Lixian (91145258)! Please state your name and class when you SMS us though so we know who you are! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Spread the word (share on facebook, twitter, here, there, EVERYWHERE!) And see you tomorrow!

We look forward to seeing GREENย all around school!


Cheryl and Lixian
