Our Dance is so AWESOME!! :D
By AthenaFC 11/12
05:55 PM


Yay you guys have been phenomenal for all the fac dance sessions so far, and in fact you guys were just awesome in general! 😀

Our green spirit is going to keep intensifying all the way until POP, and then we’ll own!

So yeap go mug our dance like crazy, organise your dance parties, or like we’ve said before, just be a retard and let loose, let your Athenian pride take over you and we shall




Yeap so here’s all the versions of the fac dance the Fac Comm has prepared for you. There’s the normal and mirrored version (filmed at the Esplanade!), and a back view version, so yay fac dance is so fun!! 😀 😀 😀

We are Athena!
AthenaFC 11/12
