By AthenaFC 11/12
10:06 PM

Some things in life automatically make you look classy, take for example playing the violin.

If you don’t think this is classy, then you don’t know Weasel (more specifically, how he usually acts)

Some other things, such as a certain ATHENA FACULTY DANCE of 2012, might also help you look classy.

Take your shirt off!

That’s right, the much anticipated Athena Faculty Dance 2012 is now UP ON YOUTUBE! 😀

You can download the song for the fac dance here! (right-click, open in new tab)

For any J2s who are interested to learn this year’s dance, you can go to the stage outside Audi everyday next week at 7am or join in the teaching sessions for J1s during their class orientation!

The revolution is here!
AthenaFC 11/12

