11:57 PM

HI EVERYONE! With the recently concluded Faculty Head Elections and Faculty Committee Interviews, our new Faculty Committee of ’16/’17 have been chosen. Here’s a warm message from our Faculty Heads of 2016 and 2017!

“Hello fellow Athenians!


We are your newly elected Faculty Heads, James and Jia Ying from 16S66! Thank you for your support!



We sincerely hope that all of you enjoyed yourselves at our Faculty Outing at Wavehouse Sentosa! Times like this will be what we will always remember long after we have graduated.


We would also like to thank everyone who ran for Fac Comm, we could see your strong spirit and your love for Athena. Athena is a really warm family because of enthusiastic individuals like you. And let’s keep this spirit high! 🙂


As such, allow us to formally introduce Athena Faculty Commitee 16/17:


Sarah Chan S7G Secretary/Treasurer
Lee Wen Kym S6G Secretary/Treasurer
Mindy Chong S7G Dance I/C
Xian Zheng S7J Dance I/C
Aaron Toh S60 Sports I/C
Tan Yan S62 Sports I/C
Cai Zijie S64 Publicity I/C
Chalmers Ong S68 Publicity I/C
Jeanne Toh S6E Publicity I/C
Nigel Wong S64 Activity I/C
Wang Zihe S66 Activity I/C
Glenn Bjorn Chia S6A Activity I/C
Sean Wang S6C Activity I/C
Celine Poh S7J Activity I/C

Let us work together to create another year of special memories for Athena!




Yours sincerely,
James and Jia Ying”
