08:11 PM


Last Saturday marked the very first Faculty Outing of 2015, and we hope that you guys had as much fun as we did throughout the evening


With the conclusion of this event, we would like to thank the following people for making this event possible:


  1. Our amazing talented performers!!



Thank you David & Melvin, Emily & Marissa, Hao Jen & Yi Da, Shuai Hua & Voon Hao, rioHC, Xingyi & Zijun, Anzi, Claudia, Xuan Ting & Joseph, MAD and our junior facheads for dazzling Athena with your wonderful songs and dances, and for all the hard work put into the preparation for the performance.


  1. Our spontaneous and enthusiastic game participants



Many thanks for being so spontaneous and willing to play our games, and for sacrificing your images to win!! Razzle Dazzle would not have been nearly as fun without your hilarious reactions on stage!


  1. Our pillars of support – Faculty Teachers


A huge thanks to our faculty teachers (Ms Chua, Mrs Leo, and Mr Lim) for the unwavering, unconditional and unsurpassed support and encouragement given to us throughout the arduous process of planning this event, and for handing us your nuggets of wisdom and experience.


  1. Sponsors


Thank you Chewy Junior, Curry Wok, The Face Shop, Chocz, Pie Face and Botak Jones for gifting us with vouchers!


  1. Photographers


Thank you Kit Hui, Joo Bin, Shi Min and Zhi Ying from Photographic Society for helping us cover our event!!


  1. Senior faccomm


Thank you for taking time out to come down to support us last Saturday night and for the yummy cake!! It was really great to see you guys again and we hope you had fun at our event!




Thank you for attending Razzle Dazzle and we truly hope that everyone had an amazing time, and that long-lasting memories were made last Saturday.


Unfortunately, Razzle Dazzle marks the last event that faccomm 14/15 has organised for Athena, and we thank you for supporting us through this year, and hope that this Faculty Ending concluded our term with a bang! It has been a pleasure serving you and we wish the faccomm 15/16 all the best in their upcoming term! Ahoot!


To aid the junior faccomm in their organising of future events, for those who attended Razzle Dazzle, please help fill in this post even survey!



Athena Faccomm 14/15
